• Marder & Seidler Law Firm – Schaumburg, IL 60193
  • 847-985-6767

Crucial Steps To Take After A Loved One Is Arrested In Illinois

When a loved one is arrested in Illinois, that time is one of the most distressing and confusing time which nobody can handle. However, understanding the legal process, taking guidance from an experienced lawyer, and knowing the right steps to take can make a significant difference in how the situation unfolds. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this challenging experience.

Understanding the After Arrest Process in Illinois

1. Booking

After an arrest, your loved one will be taken to a police station in which the suspect is taken into custody and undergoes the booking process. This process typically involves the following three things:

  • Personal Information

    Gathering the personal information details of the suspect such as name, address, and date of birth, etc.

  • Fingerprinting and Evidence Collection

    Law enforcement will take fingerprints and photographs. The police also organized or collect the evidence of the alleged crime including recording observations, statements, and other evidence.

  • Initial Charges

    The arresting officer will document the charges, which will be reviewed by the prosecutor.

The process of booking can take several minutes to hours, depending on the facility and the number of arrests being processed.

2. Charges Filed

Once the booking process is complete, the police will submit the case to the local prosecutor’s office. In Illinois, the prosecutor has a limited time frame which is usually 48 to 72 hours to decide whether to file formal charges or not. If charges are filed, your loved one will be scheduled for an arraignment.

3. Arraignment

The arraignment is a critical step in the legal process. In this step, the judge will inform the defendant of the formal charges against the suspect and the possible penalties if convicted.


During this court appearance:

  • Formal Charges

    The judge will read the charges against your loved one/suspect.

  • Plea Entry

    Your loved one will be asked to enter a plea—guilty, not guilty, or no contest. If the suspect pleads guilty that means your loved ones accept the charges that are filed against him/her which leads to sentencing. If not guilty that means there are further court proceedings, including pre-trial motions and a trial whereas a no contest is similar to a guilty plea but does not admit guilt, often used to avoid civil liability.

Crucial Steps to Take After an Arrest

1. Contact an Attorney

One of the most crucial steps is to secure legal representation after getting arrested as soon as possible. Here are the reasons why:

  • Legal Expertise

    A criminal defense lawyer in Illinois will understand local laws and procedures, which can greatly influence the outcome of the case.

  • Protection of Rights

    A lawyer will ensure that your loved one’s rights are protected throughout the legal process.

  • Strategy Development

    They can help make a defense strategy and advice you and your loved ones the best course of action based on the specific circumstances of the case.

2. Post Bail

If your loved one is eligible for bail, arranging for bail can secure their release from custody. Here are the steps involved:

  • Bail Hearing

    During the arraignment, the judge will set bail based on the severity of the charges, flight risk, and criminal history.

    Types of Bail
    1. Cash Bail

    The full amount is paid upfront.

    2. Surety Bond

    A bail bondsman pays the bail for a fee (usually 10-15% of the total bail).

  • Recognizance

    In some cases, the judge may release your loved one on their promise to appear in court without requiring bail.

  • Bail Conditions

    Be aware of any conditions attached to the bail, such as travel restrictions or mandatory check-ins.

3. Provide Emotional Support

Provide Emotional Support

Being arrested can be an emotionally draining experience but here’s how you can support your loved one:

  • Listen and Reassure

    Allow your loved ones to express their feelings and fears. Reassuring him/her that he/she is not alone and that you are there to help.

  • Encourage Calmness

    Remind your loved ones to stay calm when arrested in Illinois and composed, especially during legal proceedings.

  • Discuss Rights

    Make sure they understand their rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to hire an attorney. Encourage them not to speak to law enforcement without legal counsel present.

4. Gather Information

Collecting information about the arrest can be beneficial for the entire legal process. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Circumstances of the Arrest

    Note the time, location, and any other details regarding the incident leading to the arrest.

  • Witnesses

    Identify any witnesses who may provide statements or support your loved one’s case.

  • Police Reports

    Request a copy of the police report, as it contains critical information about the charges and circumstances.

Additional Considerations to Keep in Mind

1. Mental Health Screening

In Illinois, individuals arrested may undergo a mental health screening. This is especially important if your loved one has a history of mental health issues. Encourage them to be honest during this process, as it can lead to appropriate support and treatment options.

2. Stay Informed

Keeping yourself informed about the legal proceedings is vital. Here’s how to stay updated:

1. Attend Court Hearings

Be present at all court dates to show support and stay informed about the case’s progress.

2. Communicate with the Attorney

Keep in touch with the criminal defense attorney for updates and communicate with them if any necessary actions you may need to take.

3. Know Your Rights

Understanding the rights of individuals arrested in Illinois can empower you to advocate effectively for your loved one. Key rights include:

1. Right to Remain Silent

Your loved ones don’t need to answer questions from law enforcement without an attorney present.

2. Right to Legal Counsel

They have the right to have an attorney on their side at all stages of the legal process.

3. Right to a Fair Trial

They are entitled to a fair trial, which includes the right to confront witnesses and present evidence.


Navigating the process of a loved one’s arrest in Illinois can be daunting, but knowing the crucial steps to take can help ease the burden. By securing legal representation, understanding the bail process, providing emotional support, and staying informed, you can play a vital role in supporting your loved one during this challenging time. Remember, the legal system can be complex, but with the right resources and support, you can help them find their way through it.

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